Olga Stehlíková: Mother, pole and boys
– Czechia

Born in Příbram in 1977, Olga Stehlíková studied Czech language and linguistics at Charles University. She is a journalist, reporter, editor, poet and an author of children’s books. She translated Kasia Dudziuk’s My First Drawing Book from English in 2017. Her publications include Týdny (Weeks, 2014), Vejce / Eggs (2017), Za lyrický subjekt (For a Lyrical Subject, 2018; with M. Ohnisko), Vykřičník jako stožár (Exclamation Mark as a Pole, 2018), Kluci netančej! (Boys Don’t Dance!, 2019), Kařut & Řabach (2019) and O čem mluví Matka, když mlčí (What Mother Says When She Keeps Silent, 2019). Libor Staněk wrote the following about her most recent work: “The poet lends her voice to Planet Earth, which she treats similarly to the philosopher Lukáš Likavčan in his recent book Introduction to Comparative Planetology...”