Jiří Hájíček: Blood, baroque, sailboat
– Czechia

Born in České Budějovice in 1967, Jiří Hájíček graduated from the College of Agriculture in the same city. Since 1993, he has worked as a bank clerk. His style is fundamentally informed by neorealist prose where he draws on the history of the post-war South-Bohemian countryside. He is a published author of poetry collections (Muž na pokraji vzplanutí/A Man on the Verge of Conflagration, 2019), short stories (Vzpomínky na jednu vesnickou tancovačku/Memories of a Village Dance Party, 2014), novellas (Fotbalové deníky/Football Diaries, 2007) and especially well-received novels such as: Zloději zelených koní (Thieves of Green Horses, 2001; adapted into film in 2016), Dobrodruzi hlavního proudu (Mainstream Adventurers, 2002), Selský baroko (Rural Baroque, 2005), Rybí krev (The Blood of Fish, 2012), Dešťová hůl (Rainstick, 2016) and the latest Plachetnice na vinětách (A Vignette Sailboat, 2020).Born in České Budějovice in 1967, Jiří Hájíček graduated from the College of Agriculture in the same city. Since 1993, he has worked as a bank clerk. His style is fundamentally informed by neorealist prose where he draws on the history of the post-war South-Bohemian countryside. He is a published author of poetry collections (Muž na pokraji vzplanutí/A Man on the Verge of Conflagration, 2019), short stories (Vzpomínky na jednu vesnickou tancovačku/Memories of a Village Dance Party, 2014), novellas (Fotbalové deníky/Football Diaries, 2007) and especially well-received novels such as: Zloději zelených koní (Thieves of Green Horses, 2001; adapted into film in 2016), Dobrodruzi hlavního proudu (Mainstream Adventurers, 2002), Selský baroko (Rural Baroque, 2005), Rybí krev (The Blood of Fish, 2012), Dešťová hůl (Rainstick, 2016) and the latest Plachetnice na vinětách (A Vignette Sailboat, 2020).